
Tucson Signs (page 1)

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Miracle Mile signs
Tucson, AZ
Riviera Motor Lodge
Tucson, AZ
This trio of Miracle Mile signs includes the Riviera Motor Lodge, the Monterey Court, and the Sunland Motel.

The Riviera Motor Lodge was built in 1953 and this sign is from then. The sign was originally installed on a shorter pole and located closer to the road. The sign was restored in 2016. [map]

Monterey Court
Tucson, AZ
The Monterey Court was built in the late 1930s. The name was changed by the early 1940s to the Monterey Motel. This sign was built at that point. In 2011, the motel was converted into a complex of gallery space, stores and a cafe. The sign was restored and changed back to read "Monterey Court." The first photo is from 2004; the other photos are from 2012. [map]

Sunland Motel
Tucson, AZ
The Sunland Motel was built in 1949 and this sign is from then. [map]

Western Motel
Tucson, AZ
Wayward Winds Lodge
Tucson, AZ
Ye Olde Lantern
Tucson, AZ
The Western Motel sign is probably from the 1950s. The "Western" text panel on the other side of the sign is missing less paint but has no neon. For more, see this website. [map]

The Wayward Winds Lodge was built in 1958. This sign may be from then. It had been painted over and missing its channel letters and neon for many years. The sign was restored and relit in 2013. [map]

The Ye Olde Lantern opened in 1924 as the Green Lantern. This sign was probably built in the 1950s. The restaurant was renamed the Ye Olde Lantern in 1959. It closed in 2006. The sign was saved by Dirk Arnold who displays the parts of the sign in his yard. The original wording of "The Green" is visible behind the paint which had been obscured by the channel neon letters which are missing now. For more, see these websites: 1 and 2. [map]

Frontier Motel
Tucson, AZ
The Frontier Motel was built in 1941 as the Pioneer Motel. It was sold and renamed the Frontier Motel in 1943. This sign is from then. In 2018, the property was purchased by the Pima Community College. The sign will most likely remain and be restored. [map]

El Sol Apartments
Tucson, AZ
Amazon Motel
Tucson, AZ
The El Sol Apartments was originally built as the El Sol Motel. The sign is probably from the 1940s or 1950s. The remaining neon was removed when the sign was adapted for the name change. For more, see this website. [map]

The Amazon Motel sign is probably from the 1950s or 1960s. There were originally four sign boxes on the pole where the "Truck Parking" box is. The balls at the top were red. For more, see this website. [map]

Tucson Warehouse and Transfer Company
Tucson, AZ
The Tucson Warehouse and Transfer Company is long gone but these signs remain. The rooftop sign was built in 1943. The top part of the sign's Mayflower moving truck blew off in 2002 and has been missing since then. For more, see this website. [map]

La Siesta Motel
Tucson, AZ
The La Siesta Motel was built in 1940 or 1941 and these two signs are from then. The pole sign on the left was knocked over during high winds in 2024. I assume that it will be restored. [map]

Flash TV
& Appliance
Tucson, AZ
Color TV King
Tucson, AZ
Tiki Motel
Tucson, AZ
The Flash TV & Appliance store appeared to be closed when this photo was taken in 2012. The sign was built in 1965. The store remained vacant in 2016 but this sign was still there. In 2020, the building was redeveloped as The Flash apartments and the sign was restored. [map]

The Color TV King store is gone but this sign remains. It was built in 1950. [map]

The Tiki Motel was built in 1940 as the Oracle Motel. The motel was remodeled and renamed the Tiki Motel in 1963. This sign is from then. It features a combination neon and plastic sign. The flame used to be animated. I don't think there was ever anything tiki-ish about the motel itself. In 2021, the sign was removed and donated to Tucson Historic Preservation. It is currently on display at the Ignite Sign Art Museum.

Owl Lodge
Tucson, AZ
Cross Roads
Drive Inn
Tucson, AZ
Hacienda Motel
Tucson, AZ
The Owl Lodge sign is from 1955. The units are now used for apartments. For more, see this website. [map]

The Cross Roads Drive Inn was established in 1936. Later, it was changed into a drive-in. The sign was built in 1951. The place is now known as the Crossroads Restaurant. [map]

The Hacienda Motel was built in 1956. I believe the green sign was installed then. The blue sign might be from the 1960s. The signs were restored in 2015. For more, see these websites: 1 and 2. [map]

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