
Arizona Signs (page 3)

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Liberty Market
Gilbert, AZ
The Liberty Market opened in 1935. The sign was designed by the owner's wife in the 1940s. Since 2006, the building has housed a restaurant which kept the name. The sign's neon was restored at that time. [map]

Two Palms Motel [gone]
Glendale, AZ
Parsons' Family Restaurant
Glendale, AZ
I believe the Two Palms Motel was built in 1950. This sign may be from then. In 2024, this sign was removed and taken to the Ignite Sign Art Museum.

Parsons' Family Restaurant opened around 1965 as Big Sam's Burgers. The sign must have looked something like this then. It has been Parsons' since the 1980s. The new sign panels must have been installed then. The neon was removed from the chef sometime after 2006. [map]

El Rey Motel
Globe, AZ
Bacon's Boots & Saddles [gone]
Globe, AZ
Farmers Insurance [gone]
Globe, AZ
The El Rey Motel was built in 1938 as the El Rey Hotel Court. There was a different sign there then. This sign is probably from the 1950s. It was restored just months before this photo was taken in 2012. By 2021, the neon was gone. For more, see these websites: 1, 2, and 3. [map]

Bacon's Boots & Saddles had been here since at least 1953. This sign was probably from then. The store closed around 2015. The sign was removed in 2016.

This Farmers Insurance sign has faded quite a bit and the neon has been removed. It appears that the sign revolved originally. These Farmers Insurance signs were mass-produced. I have only seen them in Arizona, California, and Utah so they might have been a West Coast thing. This photo is from 2012. By 2016, the sign had been repainted with a much simpler design. By 2021, the sign was gone.

El Rey Cafe
Globe, AZ
2012: 2017:
The El Rey Cafe opened in 1947. This sign might be from then. The Libby's name was added to the sign much recently. The sign was restored sometime between 2012 and 2016. I don't know if the El Rey Cafe and El Rey Motel shown above had the same owners. The businesses are not near each other. [map]

More Globe:
La Luz del Dia Cafe

El Rancho Motel
& Restaurant
Holbrook, AZ
Mesa Italiana Restaurant
Holbrook, AZ
The El Rancho Motel & Restaurant is still operating. The sign is probably from the 1960s. For more, see this website. [map]

The Mesa Italiana Restaurant sign is probably from the 1950s or 1960s. [map]

Pow Wow Trading Post
Holbrook, AZ
The Pow Wow Trading Post opened in 1946. There was originally a neon sign here in addition to the neon letters on the roof. The current pole sign is probably from the 1960s. The "Rocks" part of the sign originally read "Motel". The face panel of the north-facing side of the sign (second photo above) was replaced at some point. The store has been closed since at least 2009. For more, see these websites: 1 and 2. [map]

Butterfield Stage Co. Steak House
Holbrook, AZ
The Butterfield Stage Co. Steak House sign appears to be from the 1960s or 1970s. However, online information suggests it might not have opened until 1985. [map]

Holbrook Inn
Holbrook, AZ
Coffee Shop [gone]
Holbrook, AZ
Navajo Motel [gone]
Holbrook, AZ
The Holbrook Inn was built in 1960 as the Woods Inn. It was later known as Pope's Inn. Both times, the lettering was changed at the top of the sign. In 2018, the top panel was missing. The bottom panel has been changed to read Holbrook Inn. For more, see these websites: 1 and 2. [map]

The Plainsman Coffee Shop was built in 1966 and this sign appears to be from then. The restaurant had been closed since at least 2008. In 2022, the building was sold and the sign was removed. It's not known if the sign was scrapped or sold.

The Navajo Motel sign was still there in 2006 although the motel was long closed. By 2012, the sign was gone. [photo thanks Glenda Campbell]

Best Western
Holbrook, AZ
This reworked Best Western motel sign has been installed in front of Mr. Maestas Family Restaurant since at least 2008. The sign looked like this one originally. [map]

More Holbrook:
Moen Kopi Motel [map]

7-2-11 Food Store
Kayenta, AZ
This 7-2-11 Food Store has been closed since at least 2018. There was also a rooftop sign there until around then. This pole sign might be from the 1950s or 1960s. There are other 7-2-11 signs in Gallup, NM and Farmington, NM. This sign in Kayenta is the only surviving example of this design that I know of. For more, see these websites: 1 and 2. [map]

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