
Kentucky Mid-Century Modern Churches

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St. James Catholic Church
Elizabethtown, KY
St. James Catholic Church was built from 1969-1971. [map]

Immanuel United Church of Christ
Louisville, KY
The Immanuel United Church of Christ was dedicated in 1961. The building features a hyperbolic paraboloid roof. For more, see this website. [interior photo thanks William Goffinet] [map]

Holy Family Church
Ashland, KY
The Holy Family Church was designed in 1979 and completed in 1982. Although this is too late to be considered mid-century modern, I'll include this building anyway. [map]

More Kentucky:
John B. Begley Chapel (Columbia)
First Christian Church (Henderson)
Southern Hills United Methodist Church (Lexington)
Century Christian Church (Owensboro)
Temple Israel (Paducah)

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Tips & Updates. If you have suggestions about places that I haven't covered, historical info, or updates about places/things that have been remodeled or removed, I'd love to hear from you: