
International Fiberglass Statues

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International Fiberglass produced thousands of giant statues of people, animals, and objects. Around 1963, Steve Dashew founded International Fiberglass. By then, he had purchased many molds that Bob Prewitt had produced for his company Prewitt Fiberglass Animals. Among them, was one for a Paul Bunyan statue which Bill Swan had sculpted for Prewitt in 1960 or 1961. Hundreds of these Bunyan statues and their variations were sold until around 1974 when International Fiberglass closed up shop. Less than 200 of these statues are still around today. Some believe that International Fiberglass had been producing the 14-Foot-Tall Giant Men before the company bought the 20 foot tall Paul Bunyan mold from Prewitt. It's also possible that the smaller statues were created as a less costly alternative. Regardless of which came first, the larger statues sold better and far fewer 14-foot-tall statues were made. To further complicate the history of these statues, Prewitt worked for Dashew for a while.

Little was known about the company or the history of these statues until recently. In 1997, began documenting these statues and calling them "Muffler Men" since some of them held mufflers. We now know that International Fiberglass simply called these statues "Giant Men", "Cowboys", "Astronauts" and such. The original statues held axes not mufflers. However, the name Muffler Man persists. For more, see this website.

Click on the yellow boxes below for the various types of International Fiberglass statues.

Paul Bunyans Giant Men 14-Foot-Tall Men Mortimer Snerds

Cowboys Indians Vikings Miss Uniroyal

Other International Fiberglass Statues

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