Diners Flickr Pool
Diner Hotline
Diner Hunter
Valentine Diners
former Karter's Diner (Louisville, KY)
Clarksville Diner (Boulogne, France) [map]
American Diner: Then and Now, Richard J. S. Gutman, 1993
American Diner, Richard J.S. Gutman & Elliott Kaufman, 1979
American Diner Directory, Daniel Zilka & Gary Thomas, 1997
The American Diner, Michael Karl Witzel, 1999
Classic Diners of Massachusetts, Larry Cultrera, 2011
Classic Diners of the Northeast, Kaplan & Bellink, 1986
Diners, John Baeder, 1978 (revised edition 1995)
Diners, Karen Offitzer, 1997
Diners, Bowling Alleys, and Trailer Parks, Andrew Hurley, 2001
Diners of New England, Randy Garbin, 2005
Diners of New York, Michael Engle & Mario Monti, 2008
Diners of the Northeast, Kaplan & Bellink, 1980
Diners of the North Shore, Gary Thomas, 2006
Diners of Pennsylvania, Brian Butko & Kevin Patrick, 1999
Diners: People and Places, Gerd Kittel & Richard F. Snow, 1998
Hometown Diners, Robert O. Williams & Randolph Garbin, 1999
Jersey Diners, Peter Genovese, 1996
Mid-Atlantic Roadside Delights, Will Anderson, 1991
Pleasant Journeys and Good Eats Along the Way: The Paintings of John Baeder, Jay Williams, 2007
New England Roadside Delights, Will Anderson, 1989
Where Have You Gone, Starlight Cafe?, Will Anderson, 1998
Worcester Lunch Car Company, Richard J.S. Gutman, 2004